Saturday, January 2, 2010

Desa Water Park

me & 1/2 of my family went to Desa Water Park..
it's unplanned actually.. my akak nk pegi Ulu Yam with her BFF..
then die ajak me & my adik2 follow skali..tibe2 die ckap..
pegi Sunway nak.. n like 11.00am my mom kejut aku dlam bilik..
ckap " bgun2..siap,jom pegi Sunway ".. n i was like.. Whattt..??
aku Letih kot.. but then.. My abg onye tunang pn nk follow..
then my sista ajak my auntie & her 2 sons utk follow gak.. mom pn ikot..yes2 Best..but we need to change the plan..
cost utk ke Sunway agak's not to high la..but dh rmai ikot tu..
mati kering akak aku plak we went to Desa lah..

Arrive at 1.00pm..
so apa lagi..Mandiiii...hahaha!!!
i jz wear a Singlet & Shorts.. ahah!!
xleh bkak time k when i got the 6 packs..
wahh...bru leh menjobo.. but aku jelezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..
lot of guys there mandi without shirts..n their body.. sial..bile la aku leh dpat kan..haha!!

so mse ktorg tgh packing barang nk balik..
i got a phone call from my 2nd brother n said..
" cpat2..nk gi Hospital ni..Entoi (my 4th brother)Xcident.. "
but i've no feeling..ntah ar.. but 1/2 of us back to home..
1/2 lg g Hospital.. n aku balik..penat ah..
then my mom dh balik from Hospital..
ckap his right legs Patah..!! aiyohhh..!! (skrg nilah aku tgh type..haha!!)
so my mom went back to Hospital cz my 4th brother tu..
kene operate.. will pray for him..!!

alright photos will upload later k..


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