Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Aaron Haiqal - 1 Years 6 Month

Semalam..aku bwak die pegi kedai..beli makanan kucing.. so aku tgalkan die dlam kereta skjap.. then lpas byar abes smua..aku pegi kat kereta.. die dh lock kereta dr dlam.. kunci pn kat dlam.. kunci pendua xbwat lg.. aku trlupe yg budak ni mmg ske berangan drive kereta..siap kuci kereta bagai.. (nasib baek aku bkak aircond).. so almost 1/2 hours die kat dlam sne.. mak aku dh risau.. yelah maghrib2 bwat hal.. die pnye lah seronok dlam kereta smbil putar2 stereng kereta..last2 die nangis..alalalaa...ciannya..anak buah uncle.. so nsib baek kdai tu dpan bengkel motor.. adelah manusia2 berhati mulia ni dtg last2 abg aku yg berjaya keluarkan die..hehe!!

Aaron..Aaron..lpas ni jgn buat mcm tu ye.. ( mcm budak ni reti bkak blog en..haha )

ooo..lpe budak ni call me ABAH okay..haha!!


Monday, November 23, 2009

Happy Birthday!!

Happy "20" Birthday
< Wish u happy always & do successful with what u doing >
"also my Arwah Abang Udi..
i'm not forgetting u at all abang..
i always pray 4 u..
n i really miss u a lot..
Love You!!"

Thursday, November 19, 2009


I Don't Know y..
i'm jz frustrated with sombody..
argghhhhhh!!!!! me..!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

what happen..??

Last 2,3,4 posting i mentioned about..
i'm hired by CELCOM right..
after i attend the training for 3 days..
my passion is not there..
i was so intiminated by all the rules/situations..
i believe in myself..when my heart say no..
i will follow my heart.. when my heart say i can't do it..
yes.. i know i can't do it..
even all the people arounds me said believe in urself..
n said i can do it.. yes i appreciate the advice..
but my heart still can't accept the job..
so i made my decision.. i'll reject the offer letter..
i'm not stupid.. after i read all the t&c..
also the contract.. i know everythings..
so now i'm umployed again..
but i promised to myself.. i will find another job..

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

1st Day Of Official Working at CELCOM..!!

i was so excited..yelah i'm not unemployed more..
we start the training about 8.45a.m... so after bla..bla..bla..
aku rse.. " did i make a right decision to work in here "..
adelah sbab2 nye.. aku sgt RISAU...!!!
n trust me.. aku menyesal kot...
dh ah.. aku still risau ni..

Monday, November 9, 2009

Training Day 1

I Went Atlan at 8.30am
i'm supposed to be there at 8.30am actually..
naek je tingkat 15.. 1 of diz guy said..
pegi breakfast dulu ye..9.30am naek blek..
n i was like..damn..aku dhla sakit perot..
mmg xleh breakfast pepagi2..pkol 10 cam2 bleh..
so tgu jelah smue candidates yg len..
11.15am bru start training..
during the class.. aku sgt mengantok okay..
n i always get my trainer attention..
yelah..mate merah..menguap xabes..
gila perangai sundal kan..
5.30pm bru abes..(tp mse lunch pegilah mentedarah kan)..
so after that i went to KLCC cz my abg can't pick me up..
nk xnk kne naek PUTRA.. makkk oiiii..!!
ramai manusia tersekat kat PUTRA..
n i was like FUCKKK!!!
aku nk blek cpat la bangang..pale dh saket..
smpai je sister plak lmbat..
Tomorrow kne attend lg..
penat la...cpt la abes...

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Ugly Peace..!!

Today i got a call from CELCOM..
n OFFICIALLY aku dpat JOB with CELCOM..
& i was so happy about it..
n aku pn trlompat2 mcm berok kne sontot..
smbil buat aksi Comtemporary..
n dgn xsdar diri..
aku melompat smbil tgan aku melambai2 keatas..
Jari-Jemariku terkena KIPAS SILING..
n guess what..??
it HURRTTTSSSS.....babi!!!
n aku mmg xnk tgk tangan aku..
tkot putus..sakit yang amat sgt..
nsib xpatah..cme tulang jari telunjuk & hantu bergoyang2 ckit..
but koyak ttap ade..also koyak kat dlam.. (pedih wo..)
pastu darah beku pn ade..
n my mom pn balutkan la luka ku ini..
thankz mom..!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Your Hired..!!! Yahhooooooooo.........

i have an Jobs Interview
Taman Tun Dr Ismail ( TTDI )
The job is about
Customer Services Executive
at CELCOM "Call Center"
So my brother sent me there..
then aku igt kjap je lah interview tu..
tbe2 ade briefing dlu before interview..
n guess what..
(Fully English okay kne interview)
xpenah2 interview fully english..
(yes my english not so good)
pastu ade typing test..
n i got 98% marks..
EXPERT okay..
i think i'm ready for it..
aku nk membusykan diri
for 1st 2month..
no mengadap2 pc..
but know aku sakit pale..